The ace director of Bollywood, Sanjay Leela Bhansali waited for almost 12 years to mount his dream project 'Bajirao Mastani' on the silver screen. His 'larger than life' movie, BM, took all the recent awards event by storm. According to the latest reports, SLB is planning his next film, which will be based on the life of the legend 'Rani Padmavati' of Chittor, which traces back to the 13th century AD. Rumours are also rife that the director is in mood to cast Aishwarya Rai Bachchan for this film.

The ace director of Bollywood, Sanjay Leela Bhansali waited for almost 12 years to mount his dream project 'Bajirao Mastani' on the silver screen. His 'larger than life' movie, BM, took all the recent awards event by storm. According to the latest reports, SLB is planning his next film, which will be based on the life of the legend 'Rani Padmavati' of Chittor, which traces back to the 13th century AD. Rumours are also rife that the director is in mood to cast Aishwarya Rai Bachchan for this film.

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